In ~ ~ Introduction
BackTrack with it?
It is a Linux OS system.
There is a Windows or Mac to famous ones as the OS (operating system), but these are things such as creators to use at work or home computer for a fee.
So what would the difference between them the OS BackTrack?
It is the OS used for penetration mainly with BackTrack.
It is like a security endurance test and penetration. To test the durability of the system to work hacking on a pseudo-security.
And penetration tools installation is difficult are aligned at an early stage in the amateur tools and hacking you can not use the Mac or Windows to BackTrack. In other words, even in elementary school and junior high, you can become a hacker, such as in a movie or drama if you master even the way if you know how to use it.
~ ~ Work purpose
You would like to present to the center (free ride and platform) and unauthorized use the wireless LAN and analyzes used in the wireless LAN, and WPA/WPA2-PSK and WEP key is the type of encryption this time.
Why trouble when it is hacking the wireless LAN?
Fee does not occur separately in Unlimited Internet then my house ....... People with the idea that will also not uncommon. However, we (class of bad human in the hacker) cracker does not have a sweet idea so much.
There are a variety of crime using the wireless LAN. First, there is a thing called "springboard" As introduced above. For example, suppose you have to write "tomorrow! Blow up the headquarters WhiteHackerZ" and the two-channel huge bulletin board. This will conflict with the laws of interference, such as power business.That is, when writing content is malicious, and you may be arrested. In this case, the police to identify the perpetrators by referring to the thing called IP address in identifying the man who did the writing. It is possible to identify an individual, if a tissue with arrest rights, such as the police are recorded to the server when using the Internet individual numbers that are swung communication device with the IP address.
That is, if able to write the intimidation and hacking a wireless LAN, the eyes of suspicion will take first person with the wireless LAN router. Might be seen what the person is also what has been seen by analyzing the packets including remaining when using the wireless LAN to the other.
~ ~ Attention
Wireless LAN password crack to do from this is a crime to be carried out unauthorized personal computer person. I ask that you do not exploit absolutely. Acts will now be described is intended to penetration "test".
- The password cracking of ~ WEP key, etc.
Let's get down to business. Why be mounted hacking on a wireless LAN of people?Does not make sense theory is if you do not know even know the procedure. Let's continue to introduce the theory.
First, what the AP to transmit the information of the wireless LAN sure that (access point) is required when using the wireless LAN. This is a machine called a router.
Normally, when you connect to a wireless LAN, AP will source information. However, becoming (packets) state is subdivided (split) that information, yet are encrypted.That is, the AP where it intercepts the information by a third party becomes the "packet" is encrypted after it is fragmented when the intercepted information is transmitted from the AP when using the wireless LAN You can not see the contents if you do not know the encryption key, such as WEP or WPA key that is applied.However, I take advantage of the fact there. Accumulate to intercept packets that are encrypted. And, I will analyze the regularity of encryption that is applied to the packet of one by one. Analysis of WPA and WEP key is not being able to soon.
~ BackTrack (BT5) Installation ~
Let's continue to explain to the How can the above if I step on what procedure.
First, let's talk from How to install BT5. BT5 is not a soft normal. So OS As I explained at the beginning, you can not use just downloaded from the site. So how to do? We would like to launch a technique called USB boot this time in that.
A USB boot?
It is a way to be booted from a USB in the simplest terms. Thing usually personal computer will use what you have downloaded from the Internet that are stored in a place called HD (hard disk) If you use the software of something. However, you can not use to be stored in HD BT5 because it is OS. Let's let them be started by force and USB memory attached from outside that.
(Let's download the image of BT5 to say to the home page of BT firstHttp://Www.Backtrack-linux.Org/downloads/ ) In this case, select the 64bit version and a 32bit version to match the environment of your personal computer please.Some time so 2GB will take as size.
※ Please according to one environment.
How >> to see what 64Bit or 32Bit
it will be displayed in the item "type of system," When you view the properties by right-clicking on the computer.
(About 10 seconds) and the download will begin this screen is displayed, and wait for a while.
In a convenient place, please save.
Let's continue to install BT5 on USB in earnest.
(First for the Please download the software LiLi USB to write an image of Linux from the USB). And I do the following.
(Figure 1)
Then, you can access the drive of USB memory, please open it in text editor is in the syslinux folder, the files of isolinux.cfg.
It can be the "Notepad" by right-clicking the isolinux.cfg, select "Open from the program".
Once opened, you can change from 300 to 30 the timeout in a sentence.
Then, please append a persistent between file = and append.
This is an example below, open the isolinux.cfg, describing the persistent. The red is added appropriate place.
menu Label BackTrack Text - Default Boot Text Mode
kernel / Casper / vmlinuz
append File = / cdrom / preseeding / Custom.Seed persistent boot = Casper initrd = / Casper / initrd.gz text splash VGA = 5.25 -
To Save, and then restart the computer.
In doing so, you leave it as it pierced the USB key.
It is OK Windows does not start, BT5 if stand up.
※ When Windows starts, you will have to change so that it can be started before the USB from the BIOS settings temporarily.
After power-up, while the company's logo is out, press (such as F8 or) F12, BIOS setup screen appears.
F8 and F12 this because it depends on the manufacturer of your computer, please check the instruction manual or computer manual for details.
More specifically, I will change the priority to start.
As shown in the pictures above, I set USB to first.
Well I can use this in BT5. Let's quickly go into the cryptanalysis of various wireless LAN.
First of all, please start BT5. Of the several items that come out to the TOP When you start, select the BackTrack Text-Default Boot Text Mode at the top. Begins to start by pressing the Enter key. I press the Enter key and typing startx item called root @ root will come up that screen and stops them. Then desktop painted a picture of a dragon comes out. I have successfully started BT5.
Well, let's a brief description of the desktop.
(Figure 3)
The first is the mark of the dragon in the lower left corner first, which is that I start, of Windows that mark if say on Windows. You will want the various tools from here. And it is a tool called terminal is located to the right. This move to the instruction as the BT5 Typing the various instructions. Convenient is very nice as it may also be that it is not possible for the tool that you run now and tools of course command original language is impossible for beginners that (sweat) to order prepared to deal! Let's start from the dragon mark (Applications) quiet. It is a (software for viewing the Internet) Internet browser to say Konqueror is located to the right. And it is file manager go there all the way to the right and Dolphin. It is a tool that can view various files Ru Iwai.
Well, Let's go into the analysis of the WEP key. Tools that you use this time is Gerix WiFi Cracker NG. It is Aircrck-ng Speaking of royal road of wireless LAN analysis but, Aircrck-ng is a thing called CUI tool that will enter the command itself. This is also more severe for beginners. We would like to continue to use the Gerix WiFi Cracker NG that can be the mouse is a basic analysis in that.
First, click the Exploitatio Tools and select from BackTrack (mark in the lower left dragon) Applications. Then select the WLAN Exploitatio, Gerix WiFi Cracker NG will start in gerix-cracker-ng at the end.
(Figure 4)
It is easy after tool if stand up. Collect the packet as described above in preparation for first to analyze. I click the field in the Configuration surrounded by yellow.
Indication that wlan0 comes out if there around the wireless LAN.
(Figure 5)
If you select by clicking on the wlan0, one in the row of buttons three enclosed in redyellow click the Enable / Disable Monitor Mode, which is surrounded by. (The change in there much around the wireless LAN.) This time, so troubled a little wireless own LAN is displayed I think space under wlan0 was blank until now and is buried when its ... · · · · We have asked to be omitted. I'll be out with mon0 is most likely.
Is shown in the picture below is the mon0's came out.
(Figure 6)
It is smoothly when it becomes like this.
Let's continue to collect the packet in earnest. Select mon0, click the button Rescan networks of the bottom. Then AP around will display a list surrounded by green of Select the target networks. If you need to select the AP you want to analyze from the wireless LAN that came out. It is to make sure that you watch at that time whether the system what kind of encryption is the AP. You should be able to find if you look next to the name of the AP you want to analyze.
Under preparation is OK now. So please look at the items enclosed in purple.
Let's type selection of the encryption key of the AP you want to analyze.
Because there is a item called WEP, surrounded by black, let's click while selecting the AP you want to analyze.
After this, the screen like this, so come out, please click the more enclosed in red.
Then the screen below will come out.
(Figure 9)
Now, I began to analyze the packet.
(# Date surrounded by white is required for analysis approximately 5000 accumulation number. Of the packet.)
AP you want to analyze is that the BSSID surrounded by red.
BSSID is surrounded by blue and bottom is the client.
Well, here is a place you are a little knowledge, but does not exceed the AP unless you place a packet of course to intercept the communication packets. In other words, is that you must have to communicate with the terminal of something. For example, All you if you are using the Internet. In this case, it is referred to as a client a person or terminal in communication, analysis does not move at all when the client want to the net. People that the client?'m Not extend below does not collect packet that AP is not currently in use. Let's Lay not get because it collects in nature if I leave it for a while if Tamale on track to mean that.
It is the start of solving # Date that was surrounded by white if Tamale more than 5000.
I press the column labeled cracking of blue column first. Then click there is a button called Aircrack-ng Decrypt WEP password is surrounded by red on top. Then the numbers will continue to replaced one after another screen similar to the image of the one above came out.
It is the end analysis if possible until there WEP key, so come out next to the column labeled KEY FOUND eventually.
WEP key is a straightforward being cracked easily even in elementary school and if you know even as this procedure.
Also because it is not a step ladder or free ride
Use is dangerous the use of WEP! ! Let's not!
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