Minidwep gtk is integrated in all modules Beini and its representative icon milk a slick tool. Like feeding bottle , minidwep-gtk helps us to assess the state of our password security wireless . This module can be found in other audit programs, as wifiway or wifislax. could also add trouble in other Linux distributions.  It is one of the most simple and quick to find passwords wifi method, you do not need great knowledge nor time consuming . Let's see how.

If you have problems when booting Beini, we invite you to visit our entrance in which we explain the first steps to start using Beini .

I take obvious that you know that the program should  download it by , burn it to a cd,  change the BIOS boot  for the first system to be bootee is the CD-ROM if you do not recommend reading the linked entry in paragraph above.

Once we are on the desktop Beini, we click on the milk stain which appears on the bottom bar. When a position on it the words "should appear minidwep-gtk ".

It seems a popup in which he warns that it is illegal to attempt to access other networks which are not ours. As our only purpose is to test the safety of our home wifi network, we click ok and continue.

Here we see that in the program are selected aireplay-ng -2, -3 and aireplay-ng aireplay-ng -5 in principle sufficient, select all slow down the process. So give Scan in the upper right corner and the program will track all networks that are within our reach, while a green bar that indicates the progress in networking scaneo fills. Once completed the process to select vetana our network disappears from the list.

Note: If the internal antenna of your computer is not able to scan networks monkeys or call mode, we recommend this powerful dual antenna  or this more economical .

Now click on "Lanch" to launch the attack and start collecting information on our wifi. Once Minidwepgtk it has sufficient data, we give you the password in hexadecimal and ASCII form.
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