Notes • Users of RTL8188RU devices should not use this build unless they blacklist conflicting drivers at boot. Please use Beini 1.2.3 or 1.2.4 | Reaver Edition instead.
• Minidwep must be launched from the RootShell. Type minidwep-gtk (enter) to launch it. Same goes for Feeding Bottle, although I do not know what the command is. Anyone knows or figures it out, let me know. Bob figured it out below, be sure to thank Bob by liking his comment or ask him more questions.
• To launch Feeding Bottle use sudo "gksu /bin/feedingbottle/feedingbottle" which is located in /bin/feedingbottle/feedingbottle which you can access through Xfe file manager.
• As always, if it does not work try another version.
• This will be the final version. Development ceases with 1.2.5. Use XiaopanOS from now on.
New Minidwep must be launched from RootShell
Inflator working with monitor mode with RTL8187L device
You can add and perform a dictionary wordlist attack for WPA / WPA2 networks. You can also run Reaver from this version.
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